Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Photos of the week: abstract continuation


Photo of the Week: Abstract

This is a photo of my baseball glove. I took it looking across the glove in a way that made it hard to tell what it is. I also used a shallow depth of field to bring the focus to the front. In photoshop I turned everything but the Rawlings symbol black and white, also to make it more abstract.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Photo of the Week: Culture, Patriotism

This is an especially strong image because of how the flag stands out against the deep blue background. It is a symbol of America standing out against the rest of the world. It also has good movement with the ruffles of the flag in the wind. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Photo of the Week: Urban Landscapes

I like this picture of a street in Portland because of the way the street leads away out of  the frame. Also, it has good repetition of elements with the white bordered windows in the top left of the image. It also gives the viewer a good depictions of Portland, which is important in an urban landscape, because it shows an older side to the city through the architecture. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Photo of the Week: Death decay, destruction

I chose this picture to represent death, decay, and destruction because of how the birdhouse is falling down. It is has not been kept up, and it is on a small branch. A real bird house would not be on on its side, making it hard for a bird to get into. It gets more at the destruction part of the description because it hasn't been kept up in a long time. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Photo of the Week: Animals

This is a picture of my neighbor's chickens. I like how the fence frames each chicken and makes it a portrait of each one. To the left I cropped the original image to show just one chicken's head. All the chickens have different attitudes and I thought it was interesting how they were captured in the different frames of the picture. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009